Thursday, March 11

Local fake news publishers begin real hiatus.

Heath, OH - The publishers of The Heath Ledger have convinced their real-world employers to send them to mix and mingle with other interactive and film geeks at the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas—totally on the company dime.

“Suckers! I can’t believe they fell for it.” One said on condition of anonymity. “Hook. Line. Sinker.”

“Eric,” the other said. “That’s not nice. These are the people who put food on our tables. They must see some kind of value in us presenting our finding to the larger group when we return.”

“Parrrrr-tayyy!” The other replied, pumping his fist like a Jersey Shore cast member. “We are going to destroy that town!”

“Do you have the camera? We’re supposed to film this.”

“Where’s my screenplay? Tarantino’s going to be there. He has to see it.”

The publishers weren’t able to convince the powers that be they needed to stay for the music part of the festival so The Ledger will return March 18th.