“We recently had an addition
to the family, baby Max here.” Janice McMillan said, pulling the corner of a
blanket away to reveal newborn Maxwell McMillan suckling at his mother’s
breast. “I put a few pictures of him up on Facebook the day after he was born
and the likes just started pouring in.”
“We had 72 likes in total.” Proud
papa Tom McMillan said, reviewing the Facebook comments on his phone. “20 friends said he was beautiful. A full 18 called him gorgeous, and an overwhelming majority said our family is just adorable. There was only one negative comment … yes, here it is. A friend
of mine from college said, “It looks like he’s half-black or something. Didn’t
you say you heard the back door slam when you came home early from work about nine months ago?" Very funny, Chuck. It’s probably just the bilirubin.”
“Before we were just a cute
couple.” Janice quickly jumped in. “Now by all accounts we’re
absolutely adorable. Thanks, everyone!"