“This Nelly guy must have a massive set of balls,” speculated 41-year-old Bernard Twillin, a local barbecue enthusiast and amateur songwriter. “You know…I feel like I’m in some kind of weird horror movie where I’m chained to a wall and some guy dressed in a giant baby outfit is kicking my balls and there’s nothing I can do about it!”
Disturbing analogy aside, Twillin insists that the current chart-topping song Grillz by Nelly is in fact a blatant rip-off of Grills®, a song he wrote 16 months ago while slow cooking a turkey. “I remember I had just closed the lid on my Weber when I thought how nice it would be to have another, smaller grill that I could use for vegetables and such. Thirty five minutes later, I had finished the lyrics to Grills®.
(The Ledger has bolded the words that also appear in Nelly’s version, Grillz.)
By Bernard Twillin
“I’m going to go to a hardware store and buy a couple of grills(z),
the big one will be charcoal and the little one shall be gas…”
I’ve got some meat on my platter, got some beers that I’ll chill
I’ll throw on some veggies on the small one, then my pie-hole I’ll fill…”
DJ Crease, who hosts The Hip Hop Shakedown on 108.3, thinks any link between Nelly’s song and Twillin’s ode to sedentary living is completely coincidental. “The only thing these two songs have in common is that they were both written by a guy — just not the same guy.” The DJ then slowly lifted a Polaroid of Twillin and broke out into uncontrolled laughter.
When asked how he thinks the jet-setting, internationally-known rapper came in contact with his lyrics, Twillin rolled his eyes and pointed to his computer “The Worldwide web, stupid. You can get anything you want. I posted the lyrics on my personal grilling blog, Grillin’ With Twillin, that night. Do the math.”