Wednesday, July 29

Locals find marriage sucks for same-sex couples too.

Columbus, OH - Donna Rowling and Naomi Turner tied the knot on a beach in Massachusetts last summer in front of family and friends. It was a joyous celebration of love and possibilities. They fought long and hard for the right to get married, spending years promoting initiatives and encouraging support among friends in online social networks. Now they were finally, at long last, man and wife.

But not really … more like she and she-he. Bitch and Butch. Whatever you want to call it. The point is they were going down on each other every night like gay newlyweds, and seizing every opportunity in public to display their affections and gross people out.

Now they're just as miserable as the rest of us.

“I can’t believe I pushed for this.” Rowling admitted through tears. “Things went so bad … I don’t even think I’m gay anymore.”

“I hate that bitch.” was all Turner would offer before declining comment.

“We tried to talk them out of it.” Unhappy couple James and Christine Smith said. “But they were blinded by the legal opportunity to get married.”

Anyone who’s still married knows marriage isn’t all tax breaks and survivor benefits. It takes hard work, commitment, and a willingness to be flexible and understanding. And if you listen to what the "Bible" has to say, it even takes a penis and vagina.

“Look on the bright side.” James Smith added. “At least there are no sexuality-confused kids involved … just a toy poodle and that stupid cat.”