COLUMBUS, OHIO - You wouldn't know it by the way he carries himself, with testosterone on his sleeve, but Mike Campbell has but one testicle, the other lost to cancer.
"They call me Juan Pelota." Mike points out with a giggle. "Get it? Pelota is "ball" in Spanish and I have but 'Juan.'"
Yeah. We got it.
"But it's a really big Juan!" Mike continued.
"Seriously, dude. It's huge ... Like a football. With the scar it's even got laces."
"He may have one nut," a female coworker was quick to point out, "but he's a complete and total dick. It's like he's never looked in a mirror before. No idea where the confidence comes from."
"You'd think he has 3 testicles the way he struts around." An underling reported. "He really puts the "cock" in cock of the walk."
"What can I say?" Campbell says. "While I'm half the man I used to be, I'm still twice the man you are!"
The ball on this guy.
The ball on this guy.