For followers of this obscure faith, their trees may remain up, and outside decorations may still prevail long after the last winter snow, or the first buds on trees emerge.
For the Jennings, those still-prevalent ornaments and long-since-fallen-over grapevine deer are a testament to their unyielding faith. To others, most notably their immediate neighbors, it's an eyesore.
"I don't think it's real. I think it's crap. They just are too busy sitting around on their fat asses to take down their lights." shrugged next-door neighbor Nan Wheatley.
The Jennings take offense at those who don't believe that they believe.
"Baby Jesus wasn't even born in December. Shepherds don't keep their flocks in the fields in December. He most likely was born in the summer or fall. You can tell Nosy Nanny Wheatley that Yukon Cornelius blow-up will be gracing her front-porch view until Labor Day!"